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Providing an in-depth, intensive experience in modern technique and contemporary repertoire for dance students 

CCDT offers Masterclasses for dance students at performing arts schools, dance studios, or other specialized dance training programs. Workshops are available for dancers ages 8 and up, providing that students already have a background in (one or more of) ballet, modern, and/or contemporary technique, and are currently training intensively (approximately 3 or more classes a week).


Led by CCDT's leading artistic staff members, these masterclasses can range from 1-3 hours, and typically consist of a combination of Limón-based Modern technique and current CCDT repertoire (phrasework). Workshop content can be tailored to the desires and levels of each dance program (e.g. technique only, longer repertoire portion, improvisation). Upon request, workshops can also include an information component, detailing CCDT's professional company commitments, SunDance summer dance intensive, upcoming auditions, and/or classes at The School of CCDT.


Masterclasses are offered throughout the year, and are scheduled on an individual basis upon request.


For more information, pricing, questions, and/or bookings please contact us at 416-924-5657 /

Thinking of booking a Masterclass? Why not pair it with a class excursion to watch one of CCDT's Student Matinee Performances?  


Performing arts schools qualify for FREE masterclasses with the purchase of 100 or more tickets to one of our Student Matinee Performances (2 free masterclasses per 100 tickets booked). 

Photos by David Hou

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(416) 924-5657 |

509 Parliament St, Toronto, ON M4X 1P3, Canada

Charitable Number: 119218816RR0001

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Photo by David Hou from A Sonata of Shadows by Hanna Kiel

©2024 by Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre

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